Today is Faith Stevens' last day at The Grand Cinema! After over five years of being on the team, we raise a toast to our favorite Project Producer & Lead Designer. Welcome to Part 1/3 of our feature on Faith.

1. “Welcome to Theater 5”⁣

Faith theater 5

2. Faith’s favorite seat: “the red one”⁣

Faiths favorite seat the red one

3. "Where I sweat"

Where Faith sweats
Nothing like learning public speaking skills as as graphic designer

4. where Faith scares projectionists by accidentally sneaking up on them

Faith scaring projectionists
Also best hide and seek spot

5. Where Faith works out⁣

We polled y'all on Instagram stories and “The Lobby Lift” won as the name of Faith’s workout routine.
She prefers “Stanchion Stamina”

6. “Free movie tickets if you can push through the portal”⁣

If you push through the portal
We’ll miss Faith, but she’ll be just down the road at the Tacoma Public Library as their new Graphic Arts and Public Information Specialist! We wish Faith the best of luck and thank her for the 5+ years of fantastic design, hard work, the wearing of many hats, and laughter brought to the team.