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The Last Starfighter

The Last Starfighter
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 1984 | PG. 1hr 41min
CAST: Lance Guest, Robert Preston, Dan O'Herlihy, Catherine Mary Stewart, Barbara Bosson, Norman Snow DIRECTOR: Nick Castle FREE FAMILY FLICK

Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering The Last Starfighter video game only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best starfighters to defend their world from an attack.

It embraces its derivativeness and runs with it to deliver a fun kids space opera that's simple, but exciting.
Felix Vasquez Jr., Cinema Crazed
The rousing kind of kid flick that inspires ten-year-old boys to grab broomsticks, storm the neighborhood hill, and go nuts on pretend aliens with ridiculous faux karate moves.
Keith Breese,
Full of 80s cheese, but for someone like me who grew up with this kind of stuff, it was the perfect escape.
Kevin Carr, 7M Pictures
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